I am using C# and finding problems. Below are some calculations I have been doing with RSA.
These work for small values (a few bytes) and I am able to encrypt and decrypt succesfully.
However, when I try to scale up to, say, 96 bytes RSA keyset, then I get truncation problems. The first few bytes of my caclucated values are OK, but then the rest is wrong.
Any ideas?
HIME.hi_PutReg(pString, 10); //p = 10
HIME.hi_PutReg(qString, 11); //q = 11
HIME.hi_Mul(10, 11, 12); //Modulus = 12
//e = 2
HIME.hi_Decr(10,15); //p-1 = 15
HIME.hi_Decr(11,16); //q-1 = 16
HIME.hi_Mul(15,16,17); //(p-1)(q-1)
HIME.hi_Modinv(2, 17, 18);
HIME.hi_Encrypt_Rsa(1, 2, 12, 4);
Any help would be most welcome. Is there a manual showing examples?
Thank you